Fisherman feeding a flock of majestic eagles gets a huge shock when he looks to his left

When it came to choosing which animal to feed, Alaskan fisherman Jessie Peek went one step further. Near his docks, he spotted a flock of bald eagles, our country’s national symbol and an endangered species.

He made the decision to begin rewarding them. As soon as word spread via the Bald Eagle Network that these treats were available, more and more people began to arrive.

The interaction between the fisherman and the eagles is what’s really cool here. They wait for him to begin tossing the treats with patience.

The interaction between two species and the grandeur of these eagles. Additionally, if you want to witness an incredible show, make sure to watch the entire thing. I know that just watching this made me feel proud. I am incredibly grateful to be an American.

Watch the video and be in awe of these magnificent birds. Right there, you have a dock full of freedom. Wept for this wonderful moment:

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